Smallest Earthquake Sensor For Autonomous IoT Systems
Omron has claimed the world’s smallest seismic sensor (9.8 x 10.9mm) designed to make systems safer and minimise the risk of secondary damage after earthquakes by safely shutting off and stopping hazardous devices. The D7S sensor can also help determine damage by mapping seismic intensity and providing building collapse information.
Designed for autonomous IoT systems, the compact D7S sensor has an internal memory and I²C interface, allowing it to be integrated into IoT devices. Potential applications include smart electricity and gas meters, wireless sensors, industrial control panels, electricity distribution panels, fire-prevention systems, home appliances such as heaters and gas stoves, chemical plants, expressways, bridges, tunnels and roads.
A notable feature of D7S is its ability to distinguish between genuine seismic activity from an earthquake or from another source. When an earthquake strikes, the D7S uses the firm’s spectral intensity (SI) value calculation algorithms to distinguish seismic activity and other movement. The sensor includes a three-axis accelerometer, and on the basis of the resulting measurements, calculates the SI value to assess the magnitude of the earthquake.
D7S is a surface mountable module with overall dimensions of just 9.8 x 10.9mm. The low power consumption of just 90 microAmp standby and 300 microAmp when processing, allows the D7S to be readily integrated into battery powered systems.
D7S Vibration Sensor
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